Thursday, October 1, 2009

For the next part of our font poem, we had to create a video where our poem came over a collage that represented the words appearing. Due to technical difficulties, I did mine backwards. I made a video of my collage coming in and out, then once it was finished, the video flashed to my actual font poem, and then back so the reader could get a feel for my collage's representation of the words.

The poem is actually the lyrics from a song in the musical "Hair". The show is set in the 1960's and the words came from a song where the leading character, Claude, is about to make the decision if he should burn his draft card. The song is called "Where do I go" and I felt the words were extremely powerful as well as a good foundation to do crazy photo shop things to. The show itself is extremely colorful and full of hippies. I chose pictures of myself that echoed the words, such as myself in a dress covered in glitter, and a finger pointing down, or crazy hair that had been teased to represent the show and the gutter feel. also, lover's eyes and a shocked expression showing truth lies. I also thought it would be a nice touch to have part of my face painted, for a 60's feel. This was all set in front on neon, which isn't only a word in the poem but has the colorfulness that the show is about.

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