Monday, November 23, 2009

Web Page

My job for the website was to work on the About Us page, while my partner worked on the home page. However, we did assist one another out through the process.

I knew that on the about us page, I wanted to have information about the Playmakers, The faces of the board of directors and contact information. We chose to have the emblem on the playhouse on the top with a banner that housed the about us title. We stuck with yellow underneath because it was the third color on the homepage and we wanted to echo it in the other page designs. I chose to put the information about the playhouse on the left of the page because it is the most important information about the playhouse and since people read from left to write, I wanted it to be the first thing they see. after that, I wanted to add photos near the top of the website and across so it didn't look cluttered in one corner of the page. Though I did not include every member of the board , I included those that are in the more head positions on the board and the ones that are always around the playhouse that you can talk to. I added the contact information below the board of directors so people will know how to contact the playhouse, and I added tabs about the awards the playhouse has one to show that it has a good reputation. I tried to add a lot of information in a bit of a small place.

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